Sunday, July 1, 2012

Trimming Shrubs

Let me start by getting you caught up with things I have shared on twitter.

Last weekend was beautiful. I had spent the week preparing for the weekend so that BH (better half) could rest and enjoy the weekend. He works very hard.

I spent several days outside trimming shrubs that he had been talking about for weeks. The house was clean, laundry done, and a wonderful picnic lunch was planned.

Saturday arrives and my plans were in place. This is how the conversation went on twitter (with a few tweaks):

I would like to spend the day at the river. Long walks. Take some pictures. Have a picnic. BH wants to trim shrubs.

I say “I will finish trimming them for him next week. After all I worked on them this past week.”

I think the trimmed shrubs now have character. He says “they are interesting”.

He thinks he can improve them...make them more even...more rounded. I say “Let's go to the river, Hon.”

He works too hard! He needs to enjoy life. He says he IS enjoying trimming the shrubs. Type A's have such a sense of humor.

You know, come to think about it, he hasn't been sleeping as soundly since I gave some character to our yard!

At least the neighbors are noticing us now, looking our way, waving, smiling...

Maybe he'll make some new friends.

Since he's working so hard outside there are a few tasks he's been meaning to tackle inside. Maybe I can get started on those?

I decide to go to the river by myself. I can see visions of spending tomorrow inside.

The river was so beautiful. When I returned from the river BH looked so cute -- all hot and sweaty.

This is a portion of the river where it separates where I spent a portion of the day.

I bet you think I had fun while BH worked? Yep! Sure did.

But when I came back we enjoyed a wonderful lunch. Afterwards, I picked up shrub clippings putting them in yard waste bags for recycling and helped put away the lawn tools.

I held the rake while he held on tightly to those clippers and hedge trimmer.

No picnic lunch at the river, no problem. Tonight barbecue, friends, good time = #lifeisgood

It had turned cool with the hope of a fire in the fire pit visiting with our friends. Sure enough that’s what happened. Cuddle time watching the burning embers in the pit made up for the missed time with BH at the river.

We both fell asleep pleased with our activities that day and just enjoying the time we had with each other.

I heard this saying a long time ago, “Don’t sweat the small stuff…it’s all small stuff.”

We all have things we love and plans that don’t always coincide with our mate, friends, or responsibilities. It best to accept this reality and just enjoy the life God gave us and if necessary enjoy it anyway we can. After all it isn’t really bad enjoying times, whether in work or play, with yourself since you are your best friend.
Things have a way of turning out if we just go with flow. Life is too short to be upset that we didn’t get our way -– that’s life.

All we can do is take what we can at the moment and just enjoy it. Years down the road you'll be able to look back at your life and you too can say #lifeisgood.

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