Wednesday, October 21, 2015


This world is becoming overwhelming at times knowing the evil that seems to be rapidly increasing each day. From the atrocities that are being done to women at Planned Parenthood, to the millions of lives being destroyed through abortion, to ISIS and the rampage they are on, to the brutality being done to animals through bestiality, to the indoctrination of our children by our school systems, and to those in our government determined to destroy our country and take away our freedoms that our country has enjoyed. It saddens me to think about the cruelty that is being done and the acceptance because of some ideology or political affiliation.

Wrong is wrong. Evil is evil. What was good years ago is still good. This world is being turned upside down and those who know what evil is, are now the victims and the targets because we know the truth.

Hitler at times, seems like a pussy cat compared to what is going on today, even in our country.

After I’ve been bombarded with news story after news story I have to turn to God. He is my only refuge at times like these. I have to remember that I am not God, He is.

I often wonder what my role is in these times. The only thing I know is to turn the situation over to God to handle when it is beyond my grasps. Pray for the victims and most of all, I cannot allow anyone to persuade me to their way of thinking. I must stand on the truth of what is good and what is evil through God’s Word.

I must do as God tells me to do. He didn’t place me on the earth to increase evil. He placed me here because He loves me and wants me to have a good life full of His goodness and mercy. Scripture after scripture instructs me how to live my life. All I can do is be an example to others, love them and show kindness.

I need to live my life as Jesus would have me live it. His word tells me not to worry, not to be afraid, and to have good courage. That’s hard enough through the conditioning the world would have me believe. I must live my life outside of this world even though I live in it. I can choose not to become like the world.

I never believed I would see the second coming of Jesus since I thought it wouldn’t be for another hundred years or more but each day I see the acceleration increasing towards the end. But that doesn’t worry me since my house is in order. My bags are packed so to speak ready for the journey that lies ahead.

Tonight I’ll grieve but tomorrow I will rejoice in the LORD and keep my mind on focused on Him allowing Hm to guide me in the direction He knows is best for me.

1 comment:

  1. The Lord did warn us in the end men would call evil good and good evil. Time to get our houses in order indeed. Wisdom and discernment from God to those that love Him
