Yesterday morning I sent out a tweet about atheism and someone looking for what I believe was a fight responded. I believe this since he/she wasn’t a follower of mine or anyone I follow. This person obviously was uncomfortable or unsure of his/her opinion or why were they looking for people to go after. I never search to find people who speak against the existence of God to tell them they are wrong so I have to ask myself why the person came to me.
The tweet came from my Pinterest account that I repined from someone else. It wasn’t originally submitted by me. However, it was based from the Word of God, from text that is two-thousand years old that has stood the test of time and text that I have evaluated myself.
Everyone, including atheists, ultimately knows there is a God (Romans 1:19; 2:14–15), so we are literally “without excuse” (Romans 1:20). The statement, “Prove to me there is a God,” continues. God did show up in the person of Jesus Christ, but they crucified Him (1 Corinthians 2:8). The atheist or agnostic rejects the truth in unrighteousness & will deny the clear evidence for God. They invent “rescuing devices” (Romans 1:18–21)—like the idea that aliens planted our DNA on earth.
The tweeter accused me of being indoctrinated, which is ridiculous. The person decided to make accusations without even knowing me. Granted there may be some people who have been indoctrinated by so-called religious beliefs such as cults or family beliefs, but I am not one of them.
I am very skeptical when it comes being indoctrinated by any organization, religion, political views, the media or even mankind. I weigh everything! I retain an open mind on everything with the exception of those things that I have determined to be absolutely true through close examination, time, and personal experience.
I have the ability to rationalize which I find is lacking in today’s society. People today accept what they are told without weighing both sides of the information they receive. For examination, if they were raised a Democrat or Republican by their parents they continue to be so because “we’ve always been that way.” The same holds true with many people who call themselves Christians. Their parents were Catholic, Baptist. Presbyterian or another religion, for example, so they just continue the tradition.
Not me. Like I said, I am skeptical about everything.
As a small child I believed what I was told until I found out differently. If my parents told me something I believed them until I caught them in a lie. Then I had to reexamine everything they taught me. The same goes for what mankind has told me, political parties, and so on.
If someone tells me something that I have never heard before I will believe them but on the other hand I place that in a section of my mind looking for confirmation of whether it is true or not. Or if I have enough information from experience or other bits of knowledge I can compare and evaluate. I do not quickly toss away what I have been told until I have given it enough thought and honest evaluation to make a determination and even then I don’t consider it closed.
Every one of us has questioned whether there is a God or not. I determined as a teenager that there was a God though simple observation. I looked outside my bedroom window and saw a tree. Man has never created anything out of nothing. Man has never been able to recreate a tree out of a void. Man has never been able to even reproduce a tree that can reproduce itself through a seed. Therefore, I determined that a superior being had to create it. It didn’t just show up here. Someone had to create it at some point.
The more I find out about the human body the more it confirms my belief in a superior being. We call that superior being God.
I don’t believe in the theory of Evolution. For one thing it is just a theory. All I need is one scientific law that disproves it’s not true. But though time I now have hundreds of truths that prove Evolution is false. But I have yet to find anyone or any scientific evidence that can disprove Creation.
I don’t believe the earth is millions of years old since I have seen scientific evidence uncovered during my lifetime that disproves the dating of the earth. Until such a time that scientist can prove otherwise I will stick to what I know has not been disproved. I have seen too much evidence that supports the earth being more in line with the Bible, including the age of the Grand Canyon.
There are universal truths that I stand on that have not been disproved.
I know for a fact that there is good and evil, right and wrong. I know for a fact that which man believes is good is not always good. I do know through personal experience that what the Bible says is good is good. And what it says is bad is bad. I have yet to prove otherwise.
Basic reasoning tells me that if God loves me He wouldn’t just let me go stumbling through life without some kind of guidance. So He gave me the Bible. It is my instruction manual. This life is complex. God is my Father. If He is my Father, then I can look at my earthly father to get a general idea of what a father is like. Unlike my earthy father, God is the perfect Father. After all He created me so He knows how He created me to live.
We find that in everything that man had made. When used as designed we have success. When we try to use it in a way it wasn't intended for we run into problems.
I use very simple rationality to weigh each matter.
The fact is, Jesus existed. There is more firsthand documentation that still exists to prove this. More so than any other human being. Through multiple witnesses, God stated that Jesus was His Son and Jesus confirmed the fact Himself through His ministry. Jesus fulfilled hundreds of prophesies about His coming. To do so, one would have to be God in the flesh. The scientific probability of a human doing it is zero to none. No one has been able to prove otherwise. Jesus has never led me astray either. I believe in Him. I believe He is who He says He is.
I could go on and on but the fact is that I now have four decades of experience to draw on. Four decades of making bad decisions and good decisions.
I have tried man’s ways and I have tried God’s way. Man’s ways always, always, always brings problems and regret. God’s ways never have. I have tested and tired the two. I will stick with God’s ways since He has never been wrong or led me astray.
I have so much more that I have discovered and personally encountered in my lifetime that proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that God exists and His ways are best. That matter is closed. I have not take anything for granted.
I must ask you dear reader, are you willing to take the risk of whether God exists or not. Whether Jesus is the Son of God. If eternity, heaven and hell are true is it worth waiting until you get there, when it’s too late, to discover the truth.
I know for a fact that God exists and therefore I believe in a heaven without the presence of evil and I believe in a hell without the presence of good. But the love I experience from God and the blessings every day are worth believing in Him, regardless of the afterlife.
You see, I experience a taste of heaven every day of my life from God. And I experience a taste of what hell might be like from man. I want heaven, and I want God in every aspect of my life. I have not been indoctrinated. I have experienced, lived it and tested it myself.
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