Friday, February 20, 2015

The Lost Sock

Today, while meditating, I realized that the answers to life are like a lost sock.

While folding clothes we find that we have one sock left over without its mate so we search for it. We do that when looking for answers in the Bible. We start searching.

Like the lost sock sometimes we tell ourselves ‘I’ll look for it tomorrow.’ Then we go on our way putting off the search until another day.

We know that the sock is in the house since it couldn’t just walk away. Just like we know the answer to our question or the answer to our problem is in the Bible. We just don’t know where to look.

When we remember that lost sock, sometimes we will set aside a small portion of time to look for it. Or we will get an idea in our mind where it might be. The same applies to the Bible. Sometimes we find the answer but other times it still remains lost.

It isn’t until we become determined to find that lost sock when we actually find it. Of course, there are times we will stumble upon it by accident. But it isn’t until we decide we will search from one end of the house to the other end tearing apart everything as we go. We turn clothing inside out. We look closely at everything. We look for it in an organized determination not to quit searching until it’s found.

The same goes for life and to understand how life works and the answers to our questions. We need to be determined to “know the Word of God.” We start at the beginning and go page by page often rereading it over and over again before the answer is revealed.

Like a lost sock often when we find the sock it is in an area where we had looked before. It wasn’t until we were determined that the sock is revealed.

Then there are other times that we find the sock in the most unlikely spot. Like the Bible, sometimes the answers are in the least likely book of the Bible.

If you need answers keep searching. The Bible says if we seek we will find. It just depends how determined and thoroughly you search.

Matthew 7:7-8
7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

Many times we have to be willing to ask for assistance. Ask God and expect that He will reveal what you are searching for. Or knock and wait patiently for the door to be opened. Never give up. All the answers you are looking for are in the Bible. All your hopes, wishes, dreams, will be answered when you are determined to find them or determined to obtain them. You need to be like a blood hound and never, never give up.

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