Saturday, December 24, 2016

New Year’s Resolution 1

For me this is the Genesis of a new year; a new beginning. Each year I start anew with new goals to achieve. God says in Proverbs 29:18 “where there is no vision the people perish.” That verse goes on to say that … “but he that keeps the law (God’s Word), happy is he.”

I have a strong desire to achieve and the beginning of the year is no exception. I want to become a better me. I need to grow in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from the LORD. At the end of the year I want to look back and examine the progress I made. I don’t want to be the same person that I was at the beginning of the year, have the same problems, have the same desires; I want more.

I have to admit though that some of my goals have been on my list for a very long time but that’s only because I didn’t have the fortitude or a strong enough desire to accomplish them.

I remember reading years ago that every life changing event required a decision. I tried over and over again to make decisions and that never seemed to work until a couple of years ago I decided to be happy all the time. Sadness, depression, discontentment were no longer going to be a part of my life.

I was firm and determined to make that happen and sought the LORD for help. What I found is that is the key to accomplishing goals that we cannot seem to attain. They take more than a wish. They take more than a desire. They take more than a decision. They take determination with no turning back and help from God. Without Him there are somethings we can never achieve on our own. Since it’s God will for us to be happy and have joy, He gladly joined me on my endeavor to make it happen His way. And I must say His way was far better and easier than my way. I quickly accomplished that desire and have easily been able to maintain it for going on three years.

This years goal is monumental; one that I cannot achieve on my own. The good news is that the Bible is full of scriptures to support my goal. Therefore, God will be with me on this journey to assist me in making it happen. I had a similar goal the year before which I have partially achieved that will contribute to making this year’s goal possible.

Since it is so colossal my expectations are realistic. I know that with God all things are possible. Therefore, the goal is in the realm of having the potential of being accomplished this year. But if it isn’t, I’m not going to be discouraged. As long as I don’t give up, I know that what I seek I will find.

Now, hopefully this year’s blog postings will be sharing with you my progress and what I discover along the way. My number one goal in 2016 is to follow God’s and Jesus’ example throughout His word of “God said”.

The past couple of years I have been able to catch myself each time a thought or word proceeded from my mouth that I didn’t want to see come to fruition. This year’s focus is to only allow the thoughts and words that I speak be of those that I want to happen. Instead of the not words, I’m going to focus on the have, want, desire or do words.

In the first chapter of Genesis God repeats “and God said” then what He said happened. It’s repeated for a reason. He’s telling us that what He said happened and what we say will happen as well.

This past year I have seen this happen repeatedly myself by saying what God’s Word says. So I know this is true. Now I’m going to take it a step farther. I want it to become natural. Just like my happiness is now natural for me. Sure I have to correct myself and get back on track but it’s easy and quickly done with less frequency.

The tongue is a very dangerous member of our body but to tame it we need God’s help. The tongue can destroy a person just by words spoken to them. I want the opposite. I want my tongue to always be a blessing and never a curse.

Okay God, let’s do this. My number 1 desire for 2016 is to be a blessing to other’s through the words that I speak and the thoughts that I think. I desire more for my life that I cannot achieve on my own. I know that with You we can make this happen.

“A man without a vision is a man without a future. A man without a future will always return to his past!”

I wrote this on January 1, 2016 but never posted it. This has been sitting in my blog as a draft all year. This past week I made my 2017 New Year's Resolution. I found this in my inspiration journal I have been keeping all year. Remarkably, this is the same goal I decided for 2017 with the same thoughts.

The desire for this resolution remained all year but the vision wasn't my focal point. The commitment somehow became lost in everyday living.

As I take a look over the past twelve months I see that I made progress on my goal. Therefore, 2016 wasn't a complete loss in fulfilling this desire. Countless times I declared "God said." statements followed by scriptures to combat thoughts that entered my mind. God was my Helper. I successfully faced challenges that in the past would have resulted in a way I would not have desired.

Today, I decided to take my art journalling to a new level. I have an index card taped to our front door as a reminder of the favor of God whenever we leave the house. I decided to purchase a pack of square canvases to paint including the saying to hang on the door instead of the card. For 2017, I will paint another canvas with the words "God said." to hang where we can see it often and not just when leaving the house. Hopefully, this will keep the vision in front of me all of 2017 until it becomes routine in my life stopping any potential negative thoughts from coming into my mind by continually thinking "God said" thoughts instead.

I have visions of our doors (front or back) full of "God said" statements in which we can pause to read before exiting the room.

With renewed determination I know 2017 will be even better than 2016. And 2016 was a GREAT year!

God spoke to my heart regarding a certain matter over six months ago. Each time I saw a tweet, an interview, a news story, or anything that contradicted what He told me I said to myself "God said" choosing to believe God rather than man. I never gave up. What God told me came true. If God has placed something on your heart do not lose hope with contradictions that the world would tell you differently. Stand on His Word and never stop believing.

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