Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Armed for Battle

After reading the scriptures this morning then saying a brief prayer these words came out of my mouth "Prepare the way for the LORD" which gave me pause. I hadn't been thinking of those words at all. They just were uttered.

The other night I felt that I had lost my purpose– that my purpose had suddenly vanished. Or had it? I just went back to sleep trying to remove the uneasiness I had been feeling.

Isn't that the purpose for all of us? We should all be preparing the way for the LORD's return. We should be preparing the way for the LORD to help us in time of need. We should be preparing ourselves on a daily basis as well as others. There are so many people lost today as evil is trying to overtake all of the land once possessed by Christians and those who feared God.

We see on a daily basis the horrors Europe is experiencing. By preparing the way for the LORD we could stop that from migrating here. We can literally arm ourselves with the strength of God. God will battle alongside of us. He brought us to this land many centuries ago and established this land for us to preserve. It's now up to us to take this land back with all the weapons He has given us through His word and those that our founders have given to us through the documents and laws they established.

Once we return to a Christian nation, we cannot be overcome.

I had a hard time getting the video of the mother and daughter being beaten in Germany and the car coming to their rescue hitting and disabling many who were trying to rise up against them. Those thoughts and what I would do filled my mind. What would I do in a similar situation? Hopefully, I wouldn't stop. Hopefully I would just plow through a mass of men knowing they only meant trouble. And never open my door to them.

Those thoughts filled my mind until I realized that satan was filling my mind with hate keeping me from falling asleep.

God is my rescue and in times of trouble. If I trust Him, He will direct my paths. Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 tells us:
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Some would say this is naive thinking. But no it isn't. If God said this then it is true. He surely wouldn't want me to stand idly by letting someone kill me and my child. God has instilled in all of us the desire to defend ourselves. It is natural to defend ourselves but we should allow Him to tell us how and by what means. If I put my entire trust that He will tell me what to do, He will send people to my aid just like He did that other woman. He will instruct me how to behave. He will protect me as long as I don't do anything foolish on my own.

Thankfully, we live in a country where it is our right to bear arms. I feel we are approaching a time where it is vital for all Christians to carry a weapon. If the enemy knows we are all armed they will not try anything against us. I don't believe it's just a gun we should be carrying. We should arm ourselves with knives, baseball bats, golf clubs, cattle prods, Tasers, bacon grease and pig's blood.

Our nation is different then most. We are strong and we our conquerors and the defenders of freedom. It's time we arm ourselves for battle with the hope that we will never have to use our weapons. But if we do they will be readily at hand and our families will be prepared to battle the enemy: both in prayer and by physical means but always with God.

That's what our founders did. They knew the Bible from front to cover. The bible was their way of life and it directed all of their paths. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights and many other documents of that time were solely based on God's Word. They were arming future generations from tyranny. They were preparing the way for us through God's Word.

A small portion of the population armed themselves with the Word of God and weapons then defeated the greatest nation on earth: England. We can do the same with ISIS. They are a defeated foe in the eyes of the LORD. It would only take the true believers and followers of Christ to arm themselves for battle to take back this nation making it strong once again driving the enemy away from our shores frightened.

God is strong and when our nation was strong in God no enemy dared come at us. We have weakened our nation from turning away from God's protection. But all is not lost. There is an army out there preparing for battle. Now we need to prepare our minds with the Word of God. His Words will direct our paths. Without Him the battle is lost. With Him fighting alongside of us as He did when our country was formed, we will win.

Remember what we were told in Colossians 1:27
To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
We are God's hope on earth. We are His hope to show glory to us in our lifetime and for those that follow after us. It is through us that God can work so that our world will not be overtaken by evil.

So now, it's up to us to "prepare the way for the LORD". Study the scriptures, get to know God, get to know His nature, and allow Him and His words to live inside of us. We are to prepare ourselves mentally and physically. Wherever we go we are never alone. He is there with us along with His angels. We are not to fear but to be strong. God's Word is our strength in times of trouble. He is our strength throughout the day. He is also our strength in times of peace. He is peace. He is love. He will fight our battles for us if only we believe.

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