Saturday, December 26, 2015

Seek and You Will Find

Proverbs 4:23
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
We all have concerns. However, from experience we should never allow them to dominate our life. Take it from me, when we do they become larger and larger to the point, if unchecked, they will cause anxiety and panic.

In high school, I started worrying about something. It started off small but over the years I allowed it to get out of control. We do that not understanding what we are doing to ourselves and the affect that it will have on our lives.

I understand that now but satan still uses that against me and my mind and body still try to respond to the thoughts he places in my mind.

It always amazes me how awesome our God is. He has a way of reminding me of the truth. I no longer have any anxiety or panic even though from habit my body wants to start that process once an old thought comes to mind.

I know the truth now. The truth does set you free. Knowing the truth will stop satan’s control and it will also make you wise so that you are not controlled by him or the people of this world that feed you with lies to manipulate you to their advantage.

Christmas Day I was reminded of an old fear I had and even though I put a stop to it, my mind kept trying to return to it.

I trust God now more than ever before and I know from experience that everything will turn out okay. It always has.

Yesterday God brought my mind to this tiny book I purchased that was placed inside a stack of other books practically hiding it from view. When I looked at the stack that small book was all I saw. It gnawed at me until finally late last night I removed it from the stack and started reading the first chapter.

God was speaking to me through that small, tiny book reminding me that with Him I would be okay and not to worry.

Then this morning I read Psalm 145 and underlined the entire Psalm. It was God speaking to me directly reassuring me that He would take care of me and that I need not worry. That He was my Father and that was His job.

When we were small children we didn’t have worries or concerns. We trusted our parents. God is like that. He is our Father and we are His children. Jesus mentioned that we are to come to Him as children. Oh, how true that is.

I have discovered that I must have the faith I had as a small child, “Only believe”, before the world changed me with its lies and deceptions. When I put my trust in God, He does amazing things.

We are only on earth for a short while in the perspective of eternity. God wants to take care of us so that we can live on earth in love and peace. He wants us to be happy just like most earthy fathers desire for their children. But that requires trust and belief.

Even when we were children we saw what happened to our relationships with our parents when we lost trust or belief. Now, even when I look back at my parents, who are both gone, I see how much they loved me and tried their best to provide for us. My father wanted nothing more for his children than for them to be happy and have the best life he could give them.

It saddens me at times that I cannot tell them how much I appreciate all they did for me. Everyday I thank the LORD repeatedly throughout the day for everything that He has done, doing and will do. I may not be able to make it up to my parents but I can make it up to my Father.

Seek the LORD with your heart and you will discover His truths and wisdom to get you through each day as this world’s lies try to take away your joy. God will magically bring you the truth before your very eyes as long as you are open to receive.

The joy of the LORD is our strength. Keep your joy and don’t let anyone or anything take that away from you. You can overcome anything this world throws at you. With God all things are possible. Only believe.

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