I should start by telling you about myself, but what fun would that be? Instead I will let into my world one blog posting at a time.
I’m not any different than most people with the exception that I love a good laugh at the expense of myself which I don’t mind sharing with you. Most people keep these thoughts or mishaps to themselves rather than face the possibility of embarrassment or have people feel ill of them. I don’t. We all need a good laugh at times, or know that someone else feels the same way we do, or does the same crazy things.
My postings will contain humorous events that happen almost daily in my life – at least I think they are funny --, or lesson’s that I’ve learned over the years, or just thoughts I need to get off of my mind or feel the need to share.
If a posting offends you in anyway, that is not my intention. So I would like to apologize in advance if that happens. That is clearly not my objective to ridicule, offend, or pass judgment. Words are powerful and are often misunderstood, or said in a way that has duel implications that we are unaware of.
I hope you are entertained or enriched by your visit.